Super Teacher Worksheets helps me fill in educational gaps and keeps Lauren busy learning on the not-so-normal school days. We have an Individual Membership which gives me unlimited access to their huge collection of worksheets and other printable materials.
Last Thursday was one of those not-typical days for us. Lauren needed early morning labs at the clinic that's about half an hour from our house. I then ran back home to make sure Brennan was out of bed and logging into the first session of his online Logic class. The entire afternoon was spent traveling to specialist appointments an hour and a half away, getting lunch there, picking up Addison's chorus uniforms since we were going to be near the store, stopping to window shop at American Girl, etc. Lauren has too many days with appointments to call all of them an excused absence from school work, so I decided to make this day count as a school day.
I can't do our regular read-alouds while I'm driving, and Lauren can't get online to do her History, Spanish, and Bible assignments while we're on the road. I found enough materials on Super Teacher Worksheets to keep her busy learning for the entire afternoon, with activities still left over.
I started off with my favorite worksheets -- the reading comprehension activities. There are over 100 different reading comprehension packets at the fourth grade level, and they cover all sorts of subjects. There are obviously short fiction passages, but also poetry, biography, and tons of non-fiction articles to use as reinforcement for other subject areas. I'm also thrilled with the variety of activities found to correspond with the passages. For this assignment, Lauren had a listing question, a graphic organizer, and two multiple choice questions. (Note: I took the picture before discussing the answers with Lauren. It seems as though I need to do more of these sorts of pages with her this year.)
I then found a math page to review multiplication, some just-for-fun activities, and some that were both. She loved coloring and making the cootie catchers I found -- one to review easy division facts and one to introduce a handful of state capitals.
Super Teacher Worksheets is a perfect source of extra printable materials -- for days when we're running around to appointments or days when we just need a change of pace. I'm still discovering fun pages to add to my stash of "just-in-case" work. In fact, it would be a great idea to make up several packets of work so that I could just grab one if a busy day pops up unexpectedly.
I can't do our regular read-alouds while I'm driving, and Lauren can't get online to do her History, Spanish, and Bible assignments while we're on the road. I found enough materials on Super Teacher Worksheets to keep her busy learning for the entire afternoon, with activities still left over.
I started off with my favorite worksheets -- the reading comprehension activities. There are over 100 different reading comprehension packets at the fourth grade level, and they cover all sorts of subjects. There are obviously short fiction passages, but also poetry, biography, and tons of non-fiction articles to use as reinforcement for other subject areas. I'm also thrilled with the variety of activities found to correspond with the passages. For this assignment, Lauren had a listing question, a graphic organizer, and two multiple choice questions. (Note: I took the picture before discussing the answers with Lauren. It seems as though I need to do more of these sorts of pages with her this year.)
I then found a math page to review multiplication, some just-for-fun activities, and some that were both. She loved coloring and making the cootie catchers I found -- one to review easy division facts and one to introduce a handful of state capitals.
She spent a lot of the car ride and some of the time while I was talking to the doctors coloring this worksheet with multiplication problems. I'm not a big fan of coloring pages for her because she takes absolutely forever to finish the coloring, but it worked great when we had a lot of time to fill.
An Individual Membership to Super Teacher Worksheets costs $19.95 per year for unlimited access to their printable materials. The materials are best suited for elementary aged students (Kindergarten through sixth grade), but some activities could potentially be used for review lessons for older students.

©2009-2015 Through the Calm and Through the Storm. All rights reserved. Photos and content may not be reproduced.
Great resource! That's how I used when we were homeschooling. As you noted, it was great to have instant access to supplementary materials for crazy days or just for a change of pace. <3