Monday, August 6, 2012

First Day of School (Quotes and Pictures)

Even though we haven't settled into a house in Arizona yet, we decided to go ahead and start a new school year. My favorite pictures came from our mid-morning recess time on the nearby playground.

I also recorded some of the best quotes of the day.

Lauren: "I'm so excited because it's my first day of first grade!"

Addison: "Correct punctuation saves lives."

Addison (calling from the other room): "I suppose I should pick out a special outfit for the first day of school."

Brennan (while doing a grammar lesson): "I'm not going to call my periods 'periods' any more. I'm going to call them polka dots." For the record, in his list of sentences in his grammar workbook, all of the polka dots were colored purple.

Brennan (a few minutes later): "Hey! I just made up a new word like in Frindle."

The journal entry Lauren dictated: "Today is the first day of first grade! It is going to be an awesome day!" She insisted that both sentences needed an "explanation point" at the end.

Addison (at bedtime): "I love you too. Even if you did make me spend all day doing school."


  1. LOVE the picture of Lauren! That's very fun to get quotes from them. I should probably jazz things up a bit so the first day of school feels more exciting and less like conscription :-).

  2. Those quotes are the best. They made me laugh out loud. Happy beginning to your 2012-13 school year! We miss you already.



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