Sunday, August 27, 2017

First Day of School

I'm running a bit behind for this year's first day of school pictures. Actually, the first day of school was a bit behind too.

We had a field trip planned for Tuesday, August 15th, and I was going to count that as our official first day back at school for this year. Wednesday the 16th would've been our first regular day of school at home.

Unfortunately, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. . .

On Monday, August 14th, Lauren and I stopped by the library for a meeting about her new science classes and then headed to Denver for a routine psychiatry appointment. When she checked in, the blood pressure machine alarmed for a very high heart rate. We left that appointment and went directly to cardiology -- "do not pass go, do not collect $200."

Lauren spent Monday night in the hospital for observation. On Tuesday, instead of touring the power plant on our field trip, she took a trip to the cath lab.

She was thrilled that she was allowed to sign an assent form to be part of a research study -- normally I'm the one signing all the papers prior to a cath.

It's not exactly the first day of school picture I planned to take.

After the cath, the cardiology team decided she should stay one more night while we waited to hear the results of the biopsies. She started treatment for transplant rejection later that night.

Wednesday brought lots of excitement and an emergency transfer to the CICU when Lauren's heart rate went up again. In true Lauren fashion, her biggest concern was that someone moved her lunch tray out of reach before she got to have her bacon.

The rest of the week brought a shiny new picc line and lots of IV infusions. Thankfully, it also brought a little bit of reading, a few board games, some silly times with friends, an art project or two, and a whole bunch of YouTube videos on the iPad.

A week after she was admitted, Lauren's cardiologist insisted that we figure out a way for her to see the eclipse. Since she's on contact precautions while inpatient, she's not normally allowed to leave her room.

I had to drag her outside, and then we spent about an hour and a half outside watching the eclipse (only about 92% eclipsed in Denver). Ironically, she enjoyed it so much that I had to drag her back inside.

Lauren was discharged Wednesday afternoon, and we counted Thursday as her official first day of school. I suspect it won't be our first day of school spent car-schooling and appointment-schooling instead of homeschooling.

Even though I took plenty of pictures while Lauren was in the hospital not going to school, I didn't get any of Brennan who was busy at home balancing school work with lifeguarding or Addison who was traveling with friends to see the total eclipse. I guess I'll get one of Brennan sooner or later and then pretend it was a back-to-school picture. I'll have to beg Addison to send me one of her too.

©2009-2017 Through the Calm and Through the Storm. All rights reserved. Photos and content may not be reproduced.


  1. Hoping the rest of her school years skips the visits to the hospital! Tell Lauren we are thinking of her! Marshall is on his 7th week already!

  2. So glad she got to see the eclipse. Bummed she had such an exciting hospital stay. Thinking of you guys.



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