Friday, April 1, 2016

Homeschooling in the Waiting Room: Remember You Don't Have to be SuperMom

All week I've been thinking (and writing) about how I can juggle crazy days full of schoolwork and still manage to squeeze in homeschool lessons for three kids. Today's post is the reminder that I need most of all.

I might have a superhero t-shirt to wear, but I don't have to be a SuperMom.

Sometimes it's okay for me to say enough is enough. There's no need to prove myself by squeezing in one more video, another educational game on the iPad, or a geography discussion revolving around car license plates.

I'm perhaps the only person that will notice that this post is a few hours later than the rest of the ones I've posted this week. Normally I blog in the late evenings and schedule the posts to go live the next morning. Last night, I declared I wasn't SuperMom and went to bed without blogging.

You see, yesterday was just one of several really long medical days this week. I left home with Lauren at 5:45 in the morning. We spent more time at the hospital than expected and then I had prescriptions to fill. After arguing (unsuccessfully) with the military pharmacy, I ended up getting the prescription transferred to Target. I walked out of Target at exactly 5:45 pm, and I had only been home long enough to grab Lauren's chorale music. By the time I picked her up from chorale, ate the dinner my husband kindly put in the oven for us, helped Lauren shower, mixed another bottle of formula for her feeding tube, and cleaned up, I was exhausted. I could've written a blog post instead of going to bed early, but there was no point in proving to myself that I could.

I think back on yesterday's craziness and wonder. Could I have done more? Could I have brought Lauren's math page into the hospital with us so she could've worked on it while we waited to see cardiology? Could I have read to her instead of letting her watch another youtube video? Could we have listened to classical music on our commute? The answer to all those questions is yes -- we could have.

I'm asking myself the wrong questions, though. I could have done more. But I didn't have to. And I don't have to feel guilty for not doing more.

Days full of doctor's appointments are hard. I don't need to make them harder by heaping on coulds and shoulds. I don't need to feel guilty for the things I left undone after spending twelve hours taking care of Lauren's medical needs.

Today's post was written as a reminder lesson for myself. A reminder that I'm not SuperMom and that I don't have to try to do everything.

Today I'm sharing the final list of my blogging friends who have been sharing homeschooling tips and tricks. I hope one of them has written something that will bless you.
5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents

Melissa @ Grace Christian School
Michele @ Family, Faith and Fridays
Missica @ Through the Open Window
Monique @ Mountain of Grace Homeschooling
Rebekah @ There Will Be A $5 Charge For Whining
Renita @ Krazy Kuehner Days
Sarah @ Renaissance Mama
Sasha @ Such a Time as This
Tawnee @ Adventures in Homeschooling
Tiffany @ The Crafty Home
Tina @ Desperate Homeschoolers

©2009-2016 Through the Calm and Through the Storm. All rights reserved. Photos and content may not be reproduced.


  1. I think knowing your limits means you may not be SuperMom, but you ARE SuperCristi!

  2. I read yours and that was blessing enough. GLYASDI

  3. What a wonderful reminder. I too get caught up in the shoulds and coulds.
    Blessings, Dawn

  4. Perfect timing on the reminder. I've been kicking myself over not enough car-work today for Amber, who's now playing a video game this evening. This has been a great series.



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