My blogging friends Jennifer at A Glimpse of Our Life and Lynn at This Day Has Great Potential have issued a challenge to blog something every day for the month of July. I'm not sure I'll be able to participate every day because I have this pesky little move coming up next week, but I'm going to join when I can.
The prompt for today is Who. I guess that means I'm supposed to tell you who I am.
I'm Cristi.
When asked to describe myself, I often jokingly ask if I'm supposed to do it in twenty-five words or less. Here are the words and phrases I most commonly use to describe myself.
Follower of Christ
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Military Wife
I was raised an Air Force brat and then married back into the Air Force. In just a few weeks, we're off on another Air Force adventure -- our ninth new location since we've been married.
Homeschooling Mom
In the fall, I will be teaching a high school senior, a high school freshman, and a fourth grader.
Allergy-friendly cook
I avoid eating milk (or any products containing milk) and gluten. My youngest daughter cannot have any milk, eggs, soy, wheat, fish, nuts, or corn. I do a lot of cooking from scratch.
Aspiring photographer
Depending on my mood and how much free time I have, I enjoy taking photographs. I also enjoy making digital scrapbooks, but I don't have as much time to devote to those projects as I'd like.
I spend less time driving now that my oldest daughter can drive herself. Instead I'm sometimes up late at night waiting for her to come home from one activity or another.
This blog started as a way to record Lauren's wait for a heart transplant over six years ago. It has continued as a place to record our homeschool days and adventures.
My goal this year is to run 500 miles. I'm well over half-way there.
This week I'm sad to be leaving so many of my Arizona friends behind.
And much, much more.
We'd love to have you join the blogging fun this month -- either by posting on your own blog or by visiting some of the bloggers who are sharing from their hearts this month.
©2009-2015 Through the Calm and Through the Storm. All rights reserved. Photos and content may not be reproduced.
Enjoyed getting to know you a bit better! Praying for your upcoming move to go smoothly!