I have proof that I reached my cleaning up my closet goal for last week.
Of course, now that I have the picture on the computer, I see that not everything in the bottom rod is hanging straight, but I didn't pose the picture. It truly looked this neat when I walked in there to take a snapshot.
This week's short-term (simple) goal:
I need to come up with a workable chore system for our family. Since the neighborhood pool water is now warm enough for swimming (according to my kids' standards), they'd like for me to take them most afternoons. Unfortunately, if I spend a few hours each day pretending to be a lifeguard, I don't have as much time to get things done around the house.
I see two options. I could continue on the same path I did last week -- me staying up really late to get things done that didn't get done earlier in the day. Before long that option is going to lead to a very grumpy mommy. Option 2 is setting up some sort of system so that we all chip in to do all the necessary chores in a timely manner.
My goal this week is to figure out a way to divide up our chores and then figure out an easy way to make sure we all get our work done before lounging beside the pool.
This week's focus for long-term goals:
I need to make index cards for the next few verses in my 100 Bible Verses in 2013 challenge, and I need to catch up with my Scripture Typer review for the ones I've already mastered.
©2009-2013 Through the Calm and Through the Storm. All rights reserved. Photos and content may not be reproduced. http://throughthecalmandthroughthestorm.blogspot.com
Cristi, You did a great job. It closet looks amazing!