Friday, July 27, 2012

Another day, another adventure

When you have extra time on your hands, you might as well go geocaching. Last week, we found a travel bug that was hoping to travel the world and then find it's way home to Tucson, AZ. Unfortunately, it hasn't become a world traveler (or even much of a US traveler) yet. We didn't want to take it home so soon so we were planning to leave it somewhere along our path through Texas. We might as well make it Texarkana, TX.

The kids found a way to entertain themselves at the mall while Tim was calling people about the car.

After another Chick-Fil-A lunch, we hung out with some friends at Books-A-Million for a few hours.

Unfortunately, we then got an update on our very sick van. It looks like it'll be more than just a quick fix. My friend Jennifer took all the kids to play at McDonalds while we tried to decide what to do. We grabbed a few essentials out of the van, talked to the mechanic working on it, reclaimed our kids, and then hit the road.

Unfortunately, we decided it was more prudent to head back East instead of further West.

As much as we love Arkansas and all our friends and family, we're a bit disappointed that we aren't further along the path to Arizona. Right now, we're staying with Tim's parents -- a little more than 2 hours from Little Rock (in the wrong direction).

The latest word on the van is that we'll be heading west sometime next week. I'm sure that God has a plan.


  1. So sorry it is still slow going. Praying for patience for you and a fixed van!!! ;)

  2. I'm praying for y'all! I'm sorry the week turned out like it did, but we enjoyed the extra time with you before you head West.



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