Dive Into Your Imagination produces DVDs that show children the stunning beauty of the ocean. Instead of gushing about how beautiful the cinematography is, I'll just let a video clip speak for itself:

In addition, I also received pdf copies of the Educator's Guides that correspond to the videos. These guides are awesome! They turn a 45 minute long video into a unit study that could easily last for more than a week. Each guide is over 300 pages full of information, discussion ideas, hands-on activity stations to set up, and printable sheets to complete. I'm most impressed with the way character lessons are taught through the study of marine animals. At the early elementary level, these character lessons include family relationships, play, enthusiasm, curiosity, flexibility, and more.
The three DVDs in this series (What Makes a Fish a Fish?, Who Lives in the Sea?, and Dive Into Diversity) cost $19.95 each and are available to purchase online at the Dive Into Your Imagination store or Annie Crawley's store. (Annie Crawley is an underwater expert and creator of Dive Into Your Imagination.) She is currently offering free shipping on any product purchased from her store in June. The Educator's Guides were originally designed for a school market and are quite expensive. Annie Crawley has generously offered to give pdf copies to any homeschooler that purchases the DVDs. Be sure to make note indicating that you're a homeschooling parent when you check out.
If you'd like to hear what the other members of the review crew thought about Dive Into Your Imagination videos and Educational materials, please visit The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew blog here.
Disclaimer: I received a DVD and two corresponding Educator Guides (pdf's) as a member of the 2012 TOS Homeschool Review Crew, and I received no other compensation. In return, I agreed to give an honest review of the materials and how they worked for my homeschool family.

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