K5 Learning provides is a single online program that provides instruction and practice for four major subject areas -- reading, math, math facts, and spelling.

Unfortunately, my kids were not huge fans of this program. Brennan, especially, found it annoying because it was too talkative. The introductory information about the lesson often lasted so long that he lost focus and completely quit paying attention. He was also frustrated because wrong answers sometimes had a lengthy phrase that was repeated before he could try again. Even worse, in his mind, was that the right answers sometimes reread the answer he had just picked or gave an unnecessary explanation.
Once again I'm reminded that computerized learning doesn't often work well for Brennan. I was able to check the parent records to see when he had (and hadn't) done the assignments, but in the end, I spent a lot of my time reminding him to get on the computer and to do enough of the lesson for it to count as completed. I would rather have spent that time reading a book with him.
You can find out more information about what K5 Learning offers for your child on their website. A subscription costs $25 per month for the first child and $15 for additional children; they have discounted prices for a one-year subscription. Right now they also offer a 14 day free trial.
If you'd like to hear how much the other members of the review crew thought about K5 Learning, please visit The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew blog here.
I received two trial subscriptions to K5 Learning as a member of the 2011 TOS Homeschool Review Crew, and I received no other compensation. In return, I agreed to give an honest review of the materials and how they worked for my homeschool family.

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