1. "It looks like you have small kids. Do you need to know the name of a good preschool?"
2. "Do you need a church recommendation?"
3. "You need to join the Y. Let me know what day you want to come along with me to check it out."
I wasn't opposed to exercise, but I wasn't really interested in joining a gym. Eventually, she talked me into bringing my kids and joining her at the Y.
The absolute best thing about the YMCA there in Southwest Illinois was the child care facilities. One whole side of the room had a ginormous foam climbing gym. The rest of the room was filled with equally cool toys. Y members could leave their children in the supervised child care area for up to 2 hours at a time while they worked out.
For that entire summer, my kids woke up and asked me if we could "please, pretty-please," go to the Y. Hmmm . . . if I took them to the Y, then I'd get to exercise for a bit and then take a shower all by myself. I usually ended up at the Y.
Before long, I signed Brennan up for a preschool swim classes one morning a week. I was sitting in the parent viewing area when the aquatics director came out and told the parents that he was in desperate need of more swim teachers. I argued that I could barely swim. He counter-argued that I wouldn't need to be a strong swimmer if I was teaching beginning swimmers in the shallow end of the pool. I ended up teaching swim lessons.
The best part of being in the water is that I could bring Addison and Brennan with me when I was teaching. At times, they were swimming nearly every day. Tim deployed for four months, and the kids realized that I hadn't put them in the bathtub at home the entire time he was gone. I'd just rinse them off after swim class and call it good enough.
Sadly, we've never found a YMCA as friendly as the one we left behind when we moved away from O'Fallon, Illinois. I'll always fondly remember my days in the pool there.

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