2. Correcting my seventh grader's texts, counts as a grammar lesson, right? Today we covered "you're welcome" versus "your welcome."

4. I've been working on a crochet baby blanket for a few weeks now, but I'm afraid it would take a few all-nighters to get it finished by the baby shower this weekend. I'm hoping the new mom will understand when I wrap up the too small blanket and then take it back to finish it before the baby comes.
5. After waiting all week for the results from Lauren's endoscopy last week, I finally got a call from the GI nurse at 5:30 this evening. Unfortunately, I won't be able to talk to the doctor and find out a new plan until next week.
6. I've been slacking on posting any Beauty Captured pictures for the past few days. I'll try to pick back up where I left off.
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