Sunday, March 2, 2014

Beauty Uncaptured

I enjoy carrying around my camera so that I can take pictures of things I find beautiful each day. Unfortunately, I'm not always able to capture the beauty that I see.

Over the past few weeks, I've had many moments that I wished I could capture with a photograph, but couldn't. Sometimes I didn't have my good camera with me. Sometimes I knew that I didn't have the technical skills (or a fancy enough camera) to capture what I was seeing. And sometimes, I knew that it would be better just to appreciate the beauty rather than trying to fiddle with the camera long enough to get a good picture.

My list of things that I didn't take a picture of, my Beauty Uncaptured:

- the wisps of clouds rising from the tops of several mountains on the west side of town this morning. It almost looked as if the city was surrounded by smoldering volcanos.

- the sliver of a moon that shone while we were running early one morning

- the snow capped mountains this afternoon. I can take pictures of the mountains, but I'll never be able to capture their glory and majesty.

- texts of encouraging words from friends who care

- the huge American flag that I pass by several times a week. I can take a beautiful picture of it (with mountains in the background), but I can't accurately captured the size and beauty of it on a sunny day.

- flowers that I've rushed past because Lauren was in a hurry to get where we were going

- the stars shining against a clear, black sky

- the sunset views that never seem quite right when I take a picture

- the lights of the city twinkling below when I'm in driving in the foothills of the mountains

- a helicopter I saw landing on base the other day (or the C130 that followed shortly afterwards)

Sometimes the Beauty Uncaptured moments are even more beautiful than the ones I'm able to capture with my camera. And since Uncaptured starts with U, it counts as my Blogging through the Alphabet post for this week.

Blogging Through the Alphabet

©2009-2014 Through the Calm and Through the Storm. All rights reserved. Photos and content may not be reproduced.

1 comment:

  1. Story of my life!!! But I am trying hard to slow down and remember that darn camera!!! :)



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