Sunday, December 1, 2013

Holidays with the American Girls

I posted last week how I was going to add more Game Days to our homeschool routine this December. I'm pleased to report that games brought much less whining around our house last week, even when the new game I created was really just math practice with a slight (very slight) disguise.

This week I've come up with phase two of my "get rid of the homeschool blah's" plan . . .

I've picked the read-aloud and literature portion of Lauren's schoolwork for the next month.

Holidays with the American Girls

Lauren is blessed because my little sister once read many of  the American Girl books. Years later, Addison came along and added to the collection of books that has now been handed down to Lauren.

I know that Lauren has listened to audio versions of all of the American Girl stories, and I've read many of the books to her. I realized that all of the characters have a book about Christmas. I remember Molly worrying about Christmas while her father was serving in World War II, Kit spending Christmas with her grouchy uncle and a houseful of boarders during the Great Depression, and Julie celebrating her first Christmas after her parents' divorce. We don't remember the specifics of some of the other stories, though.

I haven't planned out specific activities or even a schedule for the next weeks. We'll start with whichever American Girl Lauren chooses and then move on from there. The books are filled with historical information that Lauren will pick up without having to read from a textbook, and the stories lend themselves to finding craft or cooking projects to recreate at our house. It's a perfect unschooling plan for the busy days of December.

Blogging Through the Alphabet

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