Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Accepting {One Word 2014}

I've been looking both back at 2013 and forward toward 2014 this week.

I normally set at least a few resolutions or goals as I head into a new year. This year, I'm not making any big resolutions. I don't have a big self-improvement plan that I'm embarking on in the next year.

In the midst of rushing around trying to do more and be better, I'm calling it quits.

I'm not working towards another merit badge (or twenty) to sew on my Mom sash.

I'm not trying to see if this year's holiday celebrations can out-Pinterest last year;s.

I'm not losing sleep over how my TimeTurner didn't work when I tried to be in two places at the same time.

And I'm not freaking out when I realize my SuperMommy cape doesn't give me superhuman powers.

At a time when many people are looking for ways to improve themselves, I'm focusing on accepting myself the way I am.

I want to accept myself, my limitations, and my circumstances -- thriving in the midst of them, but not trying to pretend they don't exist.

I'm going to accept that sometimes doctors' appointments mean a little less schoolwork gets done that day.

I'm going to accept that sometimes I need an afternoon nap.

I'm going to accept that sometimes our schedule is so crazy that Chick Fil A is really the only viable option for dinner.

I'm going to accept the fact that I'll spend a least a few minutes each day looking for my phone or my keys or Lauren's iPod or any number of other things that hide when I'm not looking.

I want to go to bed each night telling myself that it's okay if a few things on my to-do list get saved for another day.

I'm going to accept the imperfection that comes with life.

Many of my blogger friends on the Schoolhouse Review Crew have also chosen words to represent their goals or hopes for the upcoming year. You can click on the button below to find the entire list of participants. (Link goes live at 8 am January 1st.)

Word for 2014

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