Wednesday, June 26, 2013

When I turned my computer OFF

For a few weeks this summer, our family has had "Tech-Free Tuesdays." This week, I've taken my tech-free commitment to a new level.

I turned my computers completely off until after Lauren goes to bed.

With the desktop and laptop computers both completely shut down, there wasn't any temptation to just hop online for a minute here or a minute there.

Here's what I did instead of checking in online today.

1. I got a haircut. I've been saying for a long, long, long time that I just don't have time to go get a haircut. It really wasn't a matter of time. I had plenty of time for both Lauren and I to get haircuts.

2. While Lauren was getting her hair done, I eavesdropped on her chatting with her hairstylist instead of trying to read emails on my iPod. It was too cute!

3. I fixed the hair for five of Lauren's dolls -- ponytails, french braids, etc.

4. I did a messy craft project without rushing to clean everything up.

5. I took "one more silly one" when I was snapping pictures.

6. I noticed the pepperoni smiley face Lauren put on our homemade pizza.

7. I watched a TV show with Lauren, instead of just letting her watch by herself. As an added bonus, it had good lessons that we've already talked about.

8. I read five more chapters in our latest read-aloud book.

9. During quiet rest time, I read a book and took a nap instead of letting time slip away from me while I was online.

10. I didn't rush through bedtime so that I could get back to my computer.

I'm a better mom when I turn my computer off. It's far too tempting for me to sneak on a computer for a few minutes here or there during the day. I want to focus more on my family. For me, that means remembering how to shut down my computer so that I can pay attention to the people around me.

Blogging Through the Alphabet (O is for Off)

©2009-2013 Through the Calm and Through the Storm. All rights reserved. Photos and content may not be reproduced.


  1. This has been on my mind lately. It's time I put in boundaries. :)

  2. I have been feeling this tug as well, needing to unplug or prioritize my time online....I might use it as a reward once my routines and daily goals are met and once kids have playtime and don't need me as much.

  3. This was a great post - very encouraging. As a mom, I really want to make this a bigger part of my family's life as well. Thanks for the encouragement to do right!

  4. What a lovely reminder! I shared this on Facebook. :)

  5. This is a brilliant idea. I think a lot of us have trouble staying off the internet at times. I think that I am going to add a tech free day to my schedule. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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