Friday, April 26, 2013

Random Five on Friday April 26th

1. Last Saturday morning, I turned on the radio and Mandisa's "Good Morning" song came on. As I sang along (rather loudly), Lauren remarked, "Isn't this a good way to start our day?"

2. My email inbox is down to the single digits. I wish I had paid attention to how many were in there about a week ago. I know there was at least a hundred unread emails, and I may have been around 1000 emails in there all together.

3. As I type this, my oldest daughter is sound asleep on the tile floor of our living room. She's trying out a new sleeping mat in preparation for next weekend's hiking/camping trip. I hope she got a good night's sleep.

4. I'm busy planning our school curriculum for next year, and our box of books from Sonlight is scheduled to arrive later today. I can't wait to see what's in store for Addison next year.

Blogging Through the Alphabet5. Since two of the words in Random Five on Friday start with the letter F, I'm also going to count this post as my contribution to Blogging Through the Alphabet this week.

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1 comment:

  1. I love school planning. It makes me all kinds of giddy!



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