I found Library and Educational Services a few years ago when I was looking for good prices on audiobooks. LES sells a variety of wholesome DVDs, CDs, books, and more. They are a wholesale company that serves churches, schools, libraries, and home educators. Their prices are as much as 70% off of retail prices. (I love homeschool perks like this!)
I recently chose two Go Science DVDs from LES to review. Normally, you can only see products on the LES website if you've already registered as a qualified buyer, but you can see more about these science videos here.
Each video is less than an hour long and consists of 10-12 short video clips. Each video segment could stand alone. In fact, it seemed to us that they might have once been used for a commercial break during a religious program.
Each video clip shows Ben Roy demonstrating a science concept and then relating it to a Bible truth. For instance, after showing how salt water will conduct electricity to a lightbulb, he discusses how God's word talks about us being the light of the world and the salt of the earth. He always concludes by saying, "When we learn more about science, we learn more about our Creator God."
All of the demonstrations were fun to watch. We saw solutions changing color, balloons exploding, hair standing on end, and more. Some of the demonstrations required materials that aren't easily available at home, and it was fun to give my children the opportunity to view them.
One thing is evident throughout all the videos. Ben Roy is enthusiastic about science and even more importantly, enthusiastic about God. Lauren (our six-year-old) enjoyed the videos, but my 11 and 14-year-olds thought that he was just a bit too enthusiatic. Even though some of the science concepts were quite advanced, they thought that the overall mood was more appropriate for younger children.
The Go Science videos retail for $14.95 but are available through Library and Educational Services $8.97 each. A set of all six videos is available for $47.95.
If you'd like to hear what the other members of the review crew thought about Go Science videos from Library and Educational Services, please visit The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew blog here.
Disclaimer: I received two Go Science DVDs as a member of the 2011-12 TOS Homeschool Review Crew, and I received no other compensation. In return, I agreed to give an honest review of the materials and how they worked for my homeschool family.

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