Thursday, October 20, 2011

Read-Aloud Challenge -- October 20, 2011

I'm quite embarrassed. I haven't linked up with the Read-Aloud Challenge at Footprints in the Butter for the past several weeks. Thankfully, I'm better at reading to my children than I am at taking the time to share each week.

Addison, Brennan, and I are still working our way through Rifles for Watie. I love the way that we can really get drawn into a longer book and see the main characters develop as the story progresses.

Lauren and I finished My Father's Dragon. Since we drug our feet through this one, we decided not to move on to the other books in the series. Instead, she noticed the Little House on the Prairie series that I have on the bookshelf and begged me to read it next. In fact, she willingly listened to the end of My Father's Dragon one night because I promised to read Little House in the Big Woods the next morning. So far, we're only two chapters into the book, but she already seems more interested.

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