Lauren requested that I read it at least a half-dozen times the first day and many, many times since then. She loves to read along with the repetitive parts on each page. Perhaps her favorite line is, "I wake up with lots of energy!" She was already familiar with the days of the week, but she has them down pat now.
This book shows a young boy going through the days of the week as his parents teach him about God. About half of the pages are done in gorgeous water colors, are the rest are in black-and-white. Lauren wanted to color the black-and-white pages in. Hopefully I can get her to hold off until we order the coloring book from Apologia ($4). At the end of the story, the author has included Bible verses and questions that could extend this story and make it very appropriate for an older audience.
As a parent, I noticed a few extra features that may appeal to some of my readers. The family featured in this book is a larger family than is usually depicted in the books I read with Lauren. There are five children, and they all sit in church together, fix lunch together, and look like they are all enjoying a hike in the woods together. As a homeschool parent, it was nice to see a subtle reference to a family that doesn't go to a public school. Lauren was interested in the illustration that showed the youngest boy coloring a picture in the school room. Lately, several people have talked to her about going to school soon, and this was a concrete way to show her that not every child goes to a school building.
The book retails for $14.00 and would make an excellent gift for a preschooler that you know. Perhaps my biggest endorsement, however, came from Lauren herself. While I was typing this review, she wandered by and asked, "Why did you type my favorite book on your computer?"
You can see other reviews of this book on The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew blog.
Disclaimer: I received a free hardback copy of Good Morning, God from Apologia, and I received no other compensation. In return, I agreed to give an honest review of the materials and how they worked for my homeschool family.

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